MAINE: my final frontier. These are the voyages of the Scooter Vespa 250 i.e. Super. Its continuing mission - to explore America's most heavily forested state - to roam the vast coastline, numberless lakes, and mighty mountains. To boldly go where no scooter has gone before!

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Do Not Take My Picture!

It is a wise person who understands that "Do Not Take My Picture" means "If you take my picture, I will do you great harm."

I am not a wise person

Babe clawed me as I came through the screen

My sister told a particularly embarrassing story about me at this family BBQ

And my dear wife Kathy, caught here clearing out the old garden, displayed the weapons she intended to use on me if I took another picture.

This was the final photo. I'm slow, but I'm not stupid!


Thursday, October 10, 2013

Panda cows are wicked costly critters!

When Mike and I stopped to gaze at a herd of odd-looking cows, we didn't realize that we were looking at such expensive beasts:



Who knew? Well, now we all know!


Thursday, October 3, 2013

Where are we?

During a wonderful 80-mile ride with Mike Turuscio (Scooter for Fun) this afternoon, we came upon these unusual cows - panda cows?

I said, "Look - cows! Panda cows?"

Mike said, "Where are we?" Mike is a licensed pilot and boat captain. He must know where we are. "In a pasture with Panda cows" is enough for me- not for Mike. And he did find out our precise location. According to Google Maps on his cell phone, we were in a pasture with Panda cows.

Here, we are in Maine, looking into New Hampshire, where there are no Panda cows.