MAINE: my final frontier. These are the voyages of the Scooter Vespa 250 i.e. Super. Its continuing mission - to explore America's most heavily forested state - to roam the vast coastline, numberless lakes, and mighty mountains. To boldly go where no scooter has gone before!

Thursday, June 28, 2012


One of the very cool things about Maine is that you don't have to ride for hours to get close to nature. This National Wildlife Refuge is hard by the highway, a dozen miles from home.

Extending out into the water is a quite sturdy porch, complete with benches, binoculars, and camera rests. 

Since the binocular cases were empty ...

...I got all artsy.

Enough artsy. 

This gull enjoys a fresh Maine seafood dinner

While he doesn't have to pay our high tourist prices, he does have to protect his dinner table.
First, a loud warning...

...then prepare for incoming dive-bombing swallows

Nonchalantly turning his head, the gull ignores the birds, who are a mere annoyance, not a real threat

Order is restored to nature, and I ride off to a Sea Dogs baseball game, where I'll eat hot dogs. Oddly, I can't stand seafood. (My mother often lamented that she must have done something wrong in raising me: "How can a child raised in Maine not eat fish?"

Sunday, June 17, 2012

My Summer Job

With only six or seven hours open for "playing" each day, I've had to curtail my riding to concentrate on my summer job - if watching the Portland Sea Dogs (Boston's Double A minor league team) play can in any way be considered work. I supply photos and stories for the publisher of six weekly newspapers.

This is the press box at Hadlock Field in Portland, Maine. Official Scorer Thom Hinton, left, has been a friend for many years, and he is a constant source of knowledge and wisdom about everything about baseball.

Before going to the "office," I must get Teddy Ballgame off my Vespa. He is usually reluctant to surrender the seat to me, even though explain that it is mine. I even showed him the bill of sale once, pointing out that my name was on it- not his! But the possessive pussycat is always hard to pry loose.

Every Monday is "Military Monday" at the ballpark, and many veterans ride bikes to the game. I'm over on the left, the spot reserved for bicycles, scooters, and other smaller vehicles.

The view from above shows an impressive array of big bikes.

The Sea Dogs have been the temporary team of most the current Boston Red Sox since the teams became affiliated in 2003 - just in time to help the Sox win World Series titles in 2004 and 2007.

One player getting ready quickly for the major leagues is Bryce Brentz, Boston's number two prospect. He's caught stealing here - stealing bases is about the only thing he doesn't do well (1 for 3).

When a Sea Dog hits a home run...

...the exploding lighthouse rises from center field.

Well, I think I'm getting better. Maybe
I'll be able to ride and "work" at the "office" soon. A word of wisdom from an old man who now knows better: Take care of yourself before it's too late, and you must have other people take care of you. It's not too late, even for me.