MAINE: my final frontier. These are the voyages of the Scooter Vespa 250 i.e. Super. Its continuing mission - to explore America's most heavily forested state - to roam the vast coastline, numberless lakes, and mighty mountains. To boldly go where no scooter has gone before!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Ghost of Winter Past

As I set out for a ride this St. Patrick's Day morning, I am thankful that the temperature is closing in on 50 degrees, and the only white on the ground is the picket fence of my neighbor!

This gentleman lives close to me, and he rides in any condition. I've never spoken to him - he rides head down and mouth closed. I'm afraid that if I were to engage in conversation, his Spartan attitude might rub off on me, and the headline would read: "Idiotic aging Vespa rider lost in blizzard - rescue workers give up search for 'that damned fool'"


  1. Good shot and thanks for the laugh!

    1. Thanks, Martha. Up here in Maine, we know that snow can happen in April and even May - I hope using the title 'Winter Past' doesn't come back to bite me.


  2. Thomas:

    There is a scooterist which I pass nearly daily on my commute home. He wears a safety vest. I used to wave at him and he never blinked an eye, never moved his head my way. Always looking straight ahead and zooming along on his scooter. It's been over a couple of years now, and all I do is smile when I notice him. He has never waved, and I have given up . . .

    Riding the Wet Coast

    1. bobskoot,

      I've given up as well. Some people seem to want to remain unknown.


  3. I don't think you would be characterized as "that damn fool". More likely the neighbors will be quoted as saying "he was a nice guy. Quiet. Always kept to himself. Never bothered anyone. I can't believe he would do something like that." :)

    I'm looking forward to following some adventures!

    Steel Cupcake
    For Love of a Motorbike

    1. BeemerGirl,

      Well, stay tuned! With the coming of warmth and dry roads, the adventures of '12 have begun. Of course, at my age, adventure sometimes means not tipping over and finding the men's room in time.

